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Our Vision

Our vision is to create value for all our stakeholders by fully integrating sustainability into the way we grow and manage the portfolio.

Aimée Pitman
Chair of the Sustainability Committee

Our sustainability strategy

Integrating environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) risks and opportunities into how we do business is increasingly important across our stakeholder groups, in particular helping us attract and retain occupiers and appeal to a broader range of investors. 

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Our sustainability strategy

Creating a resilient portfolio

Creating a resilient portfolio reduces our risk exposure to current and future legislation, transitional and physical climate risks and changing occupier demand.

Reducing our footprint

Reducing our environmental footprint ensures our assets are aligned to a net zero carbon future, while reducing operating costs by minimising utilities consumption including water, energy and waste removal.

Supporting our occupiers

Supporting our occupiers strengthens our relationship with them, encourages sustainability knowledge sharing and helps drive the sustainability and broader ESG agenda across the sector.

Responsible business foundations

Being a responsible business is critical to managing our sustainability risks, while also clearly communicating our ambitions and actions to our investors and wider stakeholders.

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Policies and ESG Reporting

Information beyond this point is accessible to professional investors only.

You are required to confirm that you fall into one of the below categories to be treated as a per se professional investor, as well as leaving your contact details for our records. We monitor who accesses this information. Please do note that any materials and documentation are not suitable for onwards distribution and may not be shared further without explicit agreement from Warehouse REIT or Tilstone Asset Management.

Should you be unsure if you meet one of the below criteria to be categorised as a professional investor, please do contact your broker or relationship manager that will be able to assist you further.

Please confirm you have reviewed the list provided below and satisfy the criteria to be treated as a per se professional client: (Y/N)



Disclaimer form

Please contact your broker that will be able to assist with providing suitable information about Warehouse REIT.

A per se professional client is:

An entity required to be authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets. The following list includes all authorised entities carrying out the characteristic activities of the entities mentioned, whether authorised in the UK or a third country:

  1. a credit institution;
  2. an investment firm;
  3. any other authorised or regulated financial institution;
  4. an insurance company;
  5. a collective investment scheme or the management company of such a scheme;
  6. a pension fund or the management company of a pension fund;
  7. a commodity or commodity derivatives dealer;
  8. a local authority;
  9. any other institutional investor;





Warehouse REIT Board Diversity Policy

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Supplier code of conduct

Health and safety

Whistleblowing Policy

Modern slavery

Business code of conduct/ethics

Anti-money laundering ("AML")

Anti-bribery and corruption

Sustainability Policy